Cboe Japan Fee Schedules

Trading Fees are in the relevant product currency as documented in JPY and are subject to change and are published on a Consumption Tax excluded basis.

Fee Codes and Associated Fees:

Fee CodeDescriptionFee
BNBIDS Non Sponsored 0.3 bps
MMaker (Passive) 0.1 bps
TATaker (Aggressive) - All Symbols "A" 0.2 bps
TBTaker (Aggressive) - All Symbols "B" 0.5 bps
VVWAP Match - TOPIX 100 0.2 bps
VNVWAP Match - Non TOPIX 100 0.7 bps

"A" and "B" definition above are explained in Monthly membership Fees section.

Monthly Membership Fees

Fee Code Description Fee
Membership "A" Standard fees. Applied once if participating one of Alpha, Select or BIDS. 420,000
Membership "B" Limited to broker-dealers deemed appropriate by Cboe Japan such as regional area focused firms 0