List an ETF on Cboe Canada
Whether Your Fund is Brand New or Decades Old, Execution Matters.
As an asset manager, addressing the evolving needs and interests of investors is your mission. Bringing new and innovative Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) to market can lead to better investment outcomes. You need an exchange partner that shares your values, understands your business, and can help you reach investors.
Why List Your ETF with Cboe Canada?
Cboe’s best-in-class listing experience is committed to streamlining the entire ETF lifecycle. With a robust onboarding process, enhanced liquidity support, unfettered access to market data and unrivaled post-launch service, Cboe is your exchange partner for success in the ETF marketplace. When you list with Cboe, you get more of what you need to build the future you want.
True Partnership
With Cboe, you gain access to a long-term partnership committed to doing what’s right for you and your investors, first. The end result? Solutions-oriented advice to mitigate potential issues, a simplified listing process, enhanced liquidity, and ongoing capital markets insights, real-time data tools, and support. This is the better way to list.
Access to Global Capital and Visibility
Through our network of exchanges in Canada, the U.S., the U.K., the European Union, and Australia, Cboe is building the first-ever global listing experience. Realize the benefits of a coordinated launch and marketing experience when intralisting products on Cboe’s various exchanges around the world. This is the definition of liquidity.
ETF Listings Directory
Cboe Canada is igniting a community of investors and issuers with a shared vision for the future. We’re home to a growing selection of investment products and public companies, providing more access to innovation and economic opportunity.
Check out our Canadian ETF listings, below:
View All Cboe Canada Listed ETFs