Derivatives Market Intelligence

Mandy Xu shares actionable insights and analysis on Cboe's leading suite of derivatives products.

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Mandy Xu

Mandy Xu is Head of Derivatives Market Intelligence at Cboe Global Markets. She produces actionable insights and analysis on derivatives market themes and flows, with a focus on Cboe's leading suite of volatility products. She is frequently cited in the financial media, including the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Financial Times, and Bloomberg News.

Want timely market updates and insights to sharpen your trader's edge? Subscribe now to the Derivatives Market Intelligence Series led by Mandy Xu and gain leading analysis on derivatives.

Macro Volatility Digest

A weekly macro commentary email focused on themes and notable moves in the cross-asset volatility markets.

Volatility Insights

An ad hoc thematic series providing a targeted analysis on what is trending in the market.


The Market Intelligence webinars are a monthly series bringing together industry professionals to discuss timely topics and what is to come in the market ecosystem.


Introducing Cboe S&P 500 Variance Futures into the Trading Ecosystem

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