Fee Schedules

Cboe Australia Fee Schedule

The fees are in AUD and are subject to change and are published on a GST exclusive basis. GST will typically be chargeable unless the participant is exempt from GST.

Trading Fees 1

A Limit3 Passive 0.06 basis points
R Limit3 Aggressive 0.12 basis points
PA Price Improvement Passive 0.06 basis points
PR Price Improvement Aggressive 0.12 basis points
MA Matchpoint4 Passive Free
MR Matchpoint4 Aggressive Free
WA Warrant Passive 0.12 basis points
WR Warrant Aggressive 0.12 basis points
BP Booking Purposes Free
Self-Trade Prevention5 No additional fee6
Broker Preferencing No additional fee6
TA Trade Report - NBBOX 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TB Trade Report - Block Special 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TC Trade Report - ETF Special Trade 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TD Trade Report - Portfolio 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TE Trade Report - Large Principal Transaction 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TF Trade Report - Post - Trading Hours Trade 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TG Trade Report - Pre Trading Hours Trade 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TH Trade Report - Out of Hours Trade 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
TI Trade Report - Booking Purposes Trade Free
TJ Trade Report - Warrant Post Trading Administration Transaction 0.04 basis points per side, capped at 75.00
BB BIDS Non Sponsored Block Trade 0.60 basis points
BI BIDS Non Sponsored Price Improvement 0.60 basis points
SB BIDS Sponsored Block Trade 2.90 basis points
SI BIDS Sponsored Price Improvement 2.90 basis points


  1. Trading fees are applicable to trading participants only. Fees included in this section may not apply to participants registered under the Cboe market maker fee programme or other programmes as advised by Cboe from time to time.
  2. Trading fees are calculated depending upon the status of the order as either passive or aggressive at the time of execution, unless otherwise specified. A passive order is an order that does not match upon entering the order book and rests passively awaiting execution. An aggressive order is an order that immediately matches against a passive order upon entering the order book. Upon submission an order may partially match, meaning that the order could be partially aggressive and partially passive. Please refer to technical specifications/ reference documents for more details.
  3. This includes standard limit, iceberg and undisclosed orders.
  4. Matchpoint uses Market on Close orders and matching.
  5. Applies to all Self-Trade Prevention events, including booking purpose trades created in place of transactions.
  6. There is no additional charge for the use of the Broker Preferencing or Self Trade Prevention service. The normal Continuous Trading fees apply to the resulting transaction.
  7. Trade Reporting fees are payable at the list prices specified but are capped at $1,000 per participant per month.

Application and Annual Fees

Description Fee (GST Exclusive)
Trading Participant Free
Non-Trading Participant Free
Trading Participant Free
Non-Trading Participant $5,000 per annum, paid in monthly installments